Hi-Lo scheduled

With apologies for the short notice, the Hi-Lo Memorial tournament has been scheduled for January 11 at Family Billiards. Warmup will begin at 11 a.m. and the auction will start after signups close at 11:30. This is 30 minutes earlier than in the past to help Family get the tables back more quickly.

As always, this is a scotch doubles tournament that pairs up the top seeded player in attendance with the bottom seeded player, the 2nd highest with the 2nd lowest, and so on until all teams are formed. Make sure to bring cash or a Venmo code if you want to participate in the Calcutta auction.

We hope to see you at the SFPA’s most fun and festive tournament of the year!

Fall 2024 playoffs

Playoff time is here!


Format & eligibility

  • Players with 25% participation are eligible to participate (14 or more games).
  • Unlike typical league nights, playoff matches will be played as a race to 9. Once a team reaches 9 wins, the match is over.
  • Also unlike typical league nights, only one time out is allowed per game, only the player at the table can call a time out, and the player at the table must designate a single teammate to participate in the time out.
  • If a match is tied 8-8 after 16 games, each captain chooses a player to compete in the tiebreaking game. Players in the 17th game lag for the break.
  • If the shot clock is in effect, players get one 60-second extension per game.

We ask captains to report scores promptly and accurately so we can schedule upcoming matches the next morning.

City Championship

The top 16 teams have qualified to compete for the City Championship. This is a double-elimination tournament with some losers bracket matches taking place on Thursday nights – please make sure to look closely at the schedule.

Founders Cup

All other teams will play for the Founders Cup. This is a single-elimination tournament with a 3rd place consolation match. Some teams will have byes in the first week.

More information

Click the Playoffs tab on the site menu for brackets and schedules. The handbook also has more in-depth information about the playoff format and history.

Good luck to all teams!

Thanksgiving break

There will be no play tonight in observance of Thanksgiving week. Please feel free to frequent one of our sponsor venues for some drinks and free pool!

9-ball tournament results

Congratulations to the following players for finishing in the money in the 9-ball finals:

1st – Thayer McDougle, Pilsner InnDecisives
2nd – Tom Seymour, Happy Lounge Rawhides
3rd – JM Reasonda, Bus Stop Flyers
4th – Preston Hudson, Final Stop

We tried out a new venue, The BreakRoom in downtown Berkeley. The room opened early for us and we had the place to ourselves for most of the afternoon. Street parking was easy to find and the hall is 1 block away from the BART station. We encourage SFPA members to check it out, including a weekly tournament every Monday night.

Full results are available in the Tournaments tab of our web site.