Spring 2025

Cafe 2 for 1's

0-0 (0.464)

Captain: Trish Gardner

Rank Name W L Pct 4-0 TR
186 Austin Day 10 25 0.286 0 0
190 Trish Gardner 9 25 0.265 0 0
55 Bernie Hirschbein 26 18 0.591 3 0
137 Matt Morrish 18 23 0.439 0 0
149 John Putnam 13 19 0.406 0 0
5 Tae Yim 20 6 0.769 1 0

Official Results

Cafe 2 for 1's 6-10 Cafe Cafaholics Week 1
Cinchsationals 10-6 Cafe 2 for 1's Week 2
Lucky Horseshoe Caballeros 11-5 Cafe 2 for 1's Week 3
Cafe 2 for 1's 7-9 The Black Willows Week 4
Mixfits 12-4 Cafe 2 for 1's Week 5
Cafe 2 for 1's 6-10 Pilsner Penguins Week 6
The Black Willows 7-9 Cafe 2 for 1's Week 7
Cafe 2 for 1's 7-9 The Black Willows Week 8
Cafe 2 for 1's 12-4 Lone Star Rebels Week 9
Harry's Humdingers 6-10 Cafe 2 for 1's Week 10
Cafe 2 for 1's 10-6 Cinch Phoenix Week 11
Hole in the Wall Howlers 9-7 Cafe 2 for 1's Week 12
Cafe 2 for 1's 9-7 Mix VANGIE Week 13
Cafe 2 for 1's 6-10 Wicked Bitches of the West Week 14
Cinch Phoenix 9-5 Cafe 2 for 1's CCW3 CCL2 FC2

Upcoming Matches

No matches currently scheduled