Spring 2025

Week 3

Aug. 31, 2021

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Away Score Home
Hole in the Wall Wreckers 2-14 Slate Rawhides
Lone Star Longhorns 3-13 Lucky Horseshoe Glue Factory
Cinch You're Down There 15-1 Whomping Willows
Slate of the Union 14-2 Hole in the Wall Howlers
Lucky Horseshoe Horseshoes 6-10 Lone Star Rebels
Black Willows 9-7 Cinchsationals
Bloodhound Ballbusters 5-11 Blackbird
Pilsner Penguins 10-6 Cinch Phoenix
Blackbird Blue Balls 10-6 Bloodhound Ball Gang
Cinch Pack 10-6 Pilsner Innmates
Shovel This 9-7 Churchill Dawgs
Churchill Churchaholics 7-9 Shovel That

Unofficial Results

Away Home Location Score Sheets