Fall 2024 season introduction

The Fall 2024 season of the San Francisco Pool Association has arrived! The Board of Directors is thrilled to welcome the 36 registered teams ahead of an exciting season of pool.

Regular season

Division schedules have been posted in the Calendars section, laying out the plan for the first nine weeks of play. Subsequent weeks will involve interdivisional matches between teams of equal or similar rank. Matches will be entered in the scoring app soon.

There are two new venues – Il Pirata and Final Final. Addresses and information about these locations can be found in the Venues tab.


Tournament schedules are being finalized and will be populated into the event calendar over the next couple weeks. For now we would like to highlight the following:

The Captain’s Tournament will take place next Saturday, September 7th, at the Pilsner Inn. One player per team is allowed to compete.

And starting in September, qualifiers for the 9-Ball Tournament will begin. These will take place on Saturdays and Thursdays, with two players from each of the eight qualifying tournaments vying for the trophy.

Good luck and happy shooting!

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