Midseason letter to captains

Hello captains, the board hopes the season has been going well for you, your teammates, and your host venues.

Election Day schedule change
The main purpose of this message is to notify you that we have added an off-week to the schedule to align with the November 5 election night. There will be no play on November 5. We have shifted the subsequent regular season and playoff weeks forward to account for this.

Board elections
The following board positions are up for election this season: Vice President (Thayer), Treasurer (Crystal), Member at Large 2 (JM), Co-Head Referee 2 (Justin). If you or one of your teammates is interested in running for one of these positions, please contact a board member by October 29.

New tournament venue
We will be trying out a new venue for the upcoming 9-ball finals on October 27 – the BreakRoom in downtown Berkeley. This venue is a longtime billiard room that has been recently renovated and reopened. It is easily accessible by BART (1 block from the station) and there is an inexpensive parking garage nearby.

There are five remaining qualifiers for the 9-ball tournament. The $25 entry fee pays for participation in all the qualifiers and a T-shirt. Dates and times for these events are posted on the league calendar.

West Coast Challenge
This season is not a WCC-qualifying season, so the team event will be contested for pride only and the Hi-Lo and individual tournaments will have cash prizes. The upcoming Spring 2025 season will be a WCC-qualifying season, with the event set to be hosted by Long Beach in August 2025.

Shot clock
In the captain’s meeting, I made an error when talking about shot clock decisions being pegged on specific times like 8:30, 9:30, and 10:30. Rather, they are pegged on the time when each 4-game round begins. The precise language is laid out in the handbook:
– With the match starting at 7:30PM, if the first round (games 1-4) is not completed by 8:30PM (1 hour after the start of the match); captains noting when the 2nd round begins, if the round (games 5-8) is not completed within an hour of the start of round 2; captains noting when the 3rd round begins, if the round (games 9-12) is not completed within an hour of the start of the round. The shot clock shall only be imposed at the beginning of a quarter following when one of the above criteria has been met.

A match is considered “back on track” once the next round takes fewer than 60 minutes and use of the shot clock can be ended.

Thank you
Thanks for all you do for the league and good luck the rest of the season!

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